What could be better than a Levi's sherpa collar denim jacket, aviators and a beanie to confront the chilly winter days that are all too common at the moment? Not a lot really, this is an exceptionally comfortable ensemble and the jacket is top notch. The lining is really thick which is a quality "plus" with the denim, (it IS Levi's after all... whaddya expect, huh). >>
Slip on a pair of chinos and desert boots and you've got a cool casual style that can be in anyone's wardrobe. Layer with a white t-shirt and a long sleeve top, pop on a pair of timeless aviators and keep your ears warm with a pull down beanie... you're ready to face the world people!!
What would be your ideal combination for a winter casual look? Let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

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Jacket: Levi's at Asos
Top: Unknown
Chinos: Debenhams
Desert Boots: Asos
Aviators: Jasper Conran
Beanie: Unknown
Top: Unknown
Chinos: Debenhams
Desert Boots: Asos
Aviators: Jasper Conran
Beanie: Unknown
Photos: Not Lamb
What colour Levi's Sherpa jacket is that?